Diagnose your abundance blocks

Discover your personal profile of abundance blocks with this short, free quiz

The one reason you're not experiencing the financial abundance of your dreams? Abundance blocks.

But in order to resolve them, you have to identify them. This quiz will help you uncover the likely sources of your abundance blocks—and from there, you'll learn what you need to do to resolve them.

You can do everything right, but it won't matter if you have abundance blocks

The flow of abundance is a natural part of the universe, which means it should be funneling your direction all the time. And if you're not rolling in the cash, there could be a reason: you have abundance blocks... holding you stuck, maybe even most of your life.

The trouble is, major oversights like this cost us money, frustration, time, and worst of all, an inability to experience the flow of abundance.

  • Understand what this skill is and learn what you need to do about it
  • Gauge where and how this is affecting your life with this unique test to learn where it's showing up.
  • Resolve this once and for all with these exercises to strengthen and solidify this skill, opening you to more and more abundance.

Hillary Bassett Ross

Manifestation Mentor, Energy Healing Practitioner, and Spiritual Teacher

Hey friend, I'm Hillary.

As an energy healing practitioner, I have one, key message about attracting abundance:


You can do everything else right, but⁠—based upon how energy works⁠—abundance blocks will derail your efforts.

PLEASE let me help you resolve this right here and now!

Figure out what blocks might be sabotaging your abundance:

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